Friday, May 25, 2012

A Quick Catch-Up

So sorry for the lack of updates. It's been quite a busy few days full of work. Basically, we've been planning classes the last few days at Dante's house. We break for lunch at our host homes, and then reconvene in the late afternoon until it's time for dinner. 
On Wednesday, we had a surprise midday - un terremoto!! Earthquake! It wasn't very big - nothing was damaged - but the house did shake a lot. 
I've tried many different Peruvian dishes in the past few days including "tuna," which is cactus fruit here. "Grenadilla" is an orange fruit that you don't chew. The inside is purely seeds and a gooey, tasty juice. You scoop it or slurp it out and simply swallow. Very delicious! For dinner one night, we ate "sopaipillas," which are essentially fried tortillas. Very bad for you, but so delicious. There has also been lots of rice eaten. Every meal, there is always rice and also usually some kind of potato. In Perú, there are thousands of different kinds of potatoes I swear. Before I came here, I didn't even know that many potatoes could even exist. 

My host mama's sister is visiting this week, and so the whole family has been over the past few days. It's awesome being a part of their quality time. All Peruvians, or at least all the ones I know, are so welcoming that way. When you stay in their house, they treat you like family. It's more than a host home; it's a host family. My mom, Olga, calls me her daughter and says she is going to kidnap me and never let me leave Chosica! :P Her sister lives in the United States, and she used to be a college professor at a university in Iowa, so it's very interesting to hear all of her stories. It's also nice to have someone around who speaks English! It seems like the longer I'm here, the thicker the language barrier is getting. All of the host families are awesome. 

Yesterday, Lemuel's family invited everyone to their house to hang out. It was great! We had a little jam session (Lemuel, Donovan, and a few of the host brothers can play guitar, Binita plays drums, and Ben plays piano). Lemuel's host family's house actually doubles as a Catholic church in Buenos Aires (an area of Chosica, not Argentina). It's outdoors and very beautiful. It's up in the hills, where you can see all of Chosica down below. It was an amazing site at night seeing all the lampposts and street lights lit up below. 

La Igelsia Católica

 Here's a link to one of our jamming videos: 
I'm not sure how strong the privacy is, so I hope it works!
If you can see it, that song was written in 1995. Wow, I think that means I'm getting old.  

We are all hard at work planning our classes for next week, but it's the weekend, so we get a little break! Tomorrow, we are headed out super early to Lima in order to attend a Youth Global Change leadership event with our AIESEC friends. It will be all in Spanish, so I'm in for a tough day. But then, un tono! Hasta luego!

Side Note -- 
Congrats to all classes of 2012 who have graduated in the past few weeks from either college or high school. It's crazy how fast your life changes when you start a new chapter of your life. Best of luck to you all!

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