Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Martes - Música

Since Tuesday is a short day for us trainees, having only one class in the morning, we were able to have some extra hangout time. After class, we went to a fro-yo place in Chosica (yes, the fro-yo craze has reached Perú). But, we got there, and it looked sketchy. It wasn't the actual place that looked sketchy but the fro-yo. I'm not sure if it even was fro-yo. Anyways, we ditched the fro-yo idea and stopped at an ice cream cart instead. Mmmmm helado. Delicious! At lunch yesterday, I ate helado called "Secretos del Bosque" (Secrets of the Forest). It was absolutely delicious. I'm pretty sure it was a mix of vanilla ice cream, strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries. Well, whatever it was, I would like some more of it! Jaja. Anyways, after ice cream, it was back to Dante's for work. Which, I must say, it seems like we work a lot, but we are really productive for only half of the time. But hey, we get the work done. 
After lunch, we reconveined again to work on something a little different. This Friday, there is a Father's Day celebration at the school. Dante, our boss, thinks we should perform something for the faculty and staff, the kids, and all of their families.  We were going to dance to a mix of 60s, 70s, and 80s. But today, it was decided that we change from dancing to playing a song. And what song? Well, Pearl Jam's version of "Last Kiss." I cry everytime I hear the song because it's so sad. So, why this song? Isn't Father's Day a happy thing? Well, yes, the song is originally American. Wayne Cochran and friends actually first recorded it in Athens, Georgia. Go Dawgs, Sic 'em. It was covered a lot, most famously in the US by Pearl Jam in the 90s. But, in the 60s, a Peruvian band named Los Daltons translated the song into Spanish, and it was a huge hit. Also, it's even sadder in Spanish. http://www.musica.com/letras.asp?letra=1227405 So, it's kind of a fusion of the States and Perú. The fact that it was written in Georgia is pretty cool too, since the like half of the trainees are from Georgia. 
While in "band practice," I also decided to start learning guitar today. So far, I know 3 chords and nothing else. This will be interesting! And, I mean both the performance and me learning the guitar. 

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