Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Integración y Más

Hugo's Quote of the Day:
 "Guys, I really like this integration time. If I had a blog, I would write about this."
So Hugo, since you don't have a blog to write for, I will write about it in my blog. 
Today, we had some integration time. See, we are 2 different projects under the same program. But, English Impact lives in host houses far far away. CAP people all live in Dante's house. The time we hang out together we call "integracíon." Yay cognates! Anways, tonight we watched Life As We Know It. That movie with Katherine Heigel and the really hot guy who hate each other but end up having to raise a baby together with the sudden passing of their best friends. But, they eventually fall in love and live happily ever after. En castellano, es Baja La Misma Techo. It proved to be a very cute and predictable movie, but trainee comments made it much more enjoyable. Also, we had a nice movie half-time event: Duke tried to kill us all. Duke, pronounced doo-kay, is one of Dante's dogs. Well, he wouldn't stop barking the entire movie. There were not enough "cállate perro"s to shut him up. He was super pissed about something. So, we eventually got fed up. The brave Carlos went outside first, and he just couldn't stop him from running in the house. I'm not sure what happened after that. I remember lots of barking, screaming, standing on a chair, and hiding in the kitchen. Eventually Duke was forced outside, and we put up with his barking the rest of the night. 

Another Note:

It's my first time out of the country for 4th of July, and it's a little weird. I will miss the time I would have with my family and friends, not to mention an original "PTC 4th of July." After all, it's in the running for the most patriotic city in the country. But, I've eaten more junk food, heard/seen more fireworks, etc. etc. here in Perú than in all of my 4th of Julys combined. Nonetheless, Happy Birthday Amuricah! May you be as ridiculous as ever. 

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